The Markley Street Reconstruction project involves preliminary engineering and final design improvements along 2 ½ miles of roadway in an urban environment in the Borough of Norristown, Montgomery County, PA. Three bridges will be replaced. Upgrades to Markley Street include: roadway rehabilitation, widening, intersection improvements, parking, and pedestrian access improvements to meet ADA requirements.
The project showcases the depth of our site characterization services which include a Lead-based paint investigation of 1 bridge, an Asbestos Containing Materials investigation of 2 bridges, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the corridor, Geophysical Investigation for Underground Storage Tanks at 3 sites and a Phase III Environmental Site Assessment.
N&W performed structure and roadway, environmental borings, a preliminary and final Geotechnical Engineering Reports (GER), Final Structure Foundation Report, and Reconnaissance, Soils and Geological Engineering Reports (RSGER), along with assisting with the pavement design. The firm also provided low level aerial mapping to complete the base mapping for engineering design.
Additionally, N&W was responsible for preparation of the preliminary and final ROW Plans, including the research involved; be it public, utility and/or private. These consisted of 281 properties, of which 111 were property takes in this highly urbanized Norristown area.