Baltimore Avenue Corridor Study

Baltimore Avenue Corridor Study

mt-holly-springs-roundaboutThis project analyzed and addressed community needs for revitalization in order to enhance mobility, safety, and the economic development of the Borough of Mt. Holly Springs in Cumberland County, PA. A major aspect of the plan focused on safety improvements and traffic flows on the “Main Street” Baltimore Avenue corridor and required proactive land use planning, transportation planning, economic development planning and implementation strategies.

The design process included a series of public meetings with very engaged, standing room only crowds on several Sunday afternoons to help sculpt a truly representative community vision for the project.

Close evaluation was given to transportation planning that included: condition and location of streets, crosswalks and sidewalks; accommodation of bicycle transportation; volume, speed, destination and type of traffic; parking supply and utilization; accident history; potential connections to other neighborhoods or activity centers; driveways and access drives; directional, wayfinding, and gateway signage; and service and emergency access.

The streetscape plan recommended the creation of two (2) separate roundabouts and other intersection improvements, housing in commercial mixed-use districts and open space amenities such as parks and nature trails, to draw more involvement and interest from residents.

During this highly-interactive project, three (3) public meetings were held to give local residents a chance to view project concepts first-hand, participate in the selection of street furnishings and amenities, and voice concerns and gain clarification.