Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. (N&W) performed a full range of engineering services for a retrofit and expansion of an existing wastewater treatment plant and gravity collection system which services 100 mobile home units and provided capacity for commercial lots to be developed.
The collection system was susceptible to high Infiltration/Inflow and plant flows routinely exceeded its hydraulic capacity causing workouts and effluent violations. The plant was placed under a Consent Order by PA DEP and was required to be brought under compliance in a very tight timeframe. Further, the new NPDES Effluent limits were made more stringent, as the plant discharged to a tributary of the South Branch of Conewago Creek, a protected stream.
N&W designed a new extended aeration activated sludge process to include flow equalization tanks, aeration basin, clarification tanks, chlorination facilities and a dosing Pumping system to pump clarifier effluent to existing sand filter beds. A new blower/lab building was designed and constructed to house aeration equipment including silencers, lab facilities and flow measurement equipment. We also prepared the NPDES – Part II permit application and secured other regulatory approvals including erosion and sediment control plan for the Adams County Conservation District. We prepared a PENNVEST application and was successful in obtaining project funding of $330,000 low interest loan for the owner.
Navarro & Wright also provided construction phase services including shop drawing review, approval of payment request and assistance during start-up.