Lykens Township Act 537 Plan Update

Lykens Township Act 537 Plan Update

This project involved a significant update of this rural, northern Dauphin County Township’s Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan. Lykens Township had not completed an update of their plan since 1973.

The Township does not currently have public facilities for wastewater collection or treatment, and does not anticipate significant development in the immediate future that would necessitate the construction of a public wastewater treatment plant.

The new plan identifies areas of potential development as well as areas containing failing on-lot systems. During the plan development, homeowners that had high levels of nitrates or bacteria in their wells were notified and were provided guidance to repair or replace their system.

The following services were provided for the project:

  • Development of mapping.
  • Plan preparation.
  • Coordination with PA DEP and the Township.