Millions of Americans cross our nation’s 600,000 bridges each day and more than 47,000 bridges in the U.S. are in poor condition, classified as structurally deficient and in need of urgent repairs. Local and state agencies are in need of experienced, certified and qualified consultants to help inspect these bridges.
N&W provides bridge inspection services for federal, state, county, and private-owned bridges in accordance with National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). Our bridge inspection projects are led by registered Professional Engineers and team leaders, certified through NBIS.
N&W inspectors have extensive experience with projects throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland, including numerous bridge inspection projects for PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.
Our team has conducted the following type of inspections:
- Annual / Interim Inspections
- Biennial Bridge Inspections
- Post Flood / Emergency Inspections
- Analysis & Load Rating