Orrstown Road Bridge (SR 0433)

Orrstown Road Bridge (SR 0433)

Orrstown Road Bridge (SR 0433)Navarro & Wright worked extremely close with the prime consultant and PennDOT District 8-0 for this $1.06 million bridge replacement project in Southampton Township. N&W also performed services related to this work order on SR 0533 (Tan Yard Road) for a bridge replacement in Southampton/Lurgan Townships. N&W services included coordination of constructability review, public involvement, value engineering, wetland studies, hazardous and residual wastes, threatened and endangered species, early coordination, archaeology, Level 1b CEE, surveys, historic structures, Section 4(f) evaluations, survey, storm water management design, pavement design, geotechnical engineering reports, structure borings, drilling inspection, boring logs/profiles, ROW, H&H, TS&L, safety review audit, lab testing, structure foundation report, and utilities.

N&W assisted the prime, who was relatively new to PennDOT procedures, and the project team by interpreting the ownership of the Conodoguinet Creek in light of its status as a stream requiring a Submerged Lands License Agreement.  The streambed was determined to be owned by the Commonwealth of PA and thus reduced the right-of-way claims for the project.