S.R. 0022 Widening & Reconstruction

S.R. 0022 Widening & Reconstruction

S.R. 0022 Widening & ReconstructionThis project includes the preliminary engineering and environmental studies for the reconstruction/widening of U.S. Traffic Route 22 in Lehigh County. The improvements involve the widening of the roadway to six or eight lanes, replacement of the structures over Mickey Road, Jordan Creek, Lehigh River and Dauphin Street, replacement of the overpasses carrying McArthur Road, Fifth Street and Fullerton Avenue, reconstruction of the McArthur Avenue and Fullerton Avenue interchanges along with associates sign structures and safety appurtenances.

Navarro & Wright was responsible to URS Corporation for administering approximately 126 roadway borings and 106 structure borings. Geotechnical analysis and reporting includes preparing drilling logs and profiles, preparing the Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Report and participation in preliminary engineering and environmental analysis activities.