S.R. 0352/US1 Intersection Improvements

S.R. 0352/US1 Intersection Improvements

S.R. 0352/US1 Intersection ImprovementsNavarro and Wright  is furnishing a full portfolio of cultural resource services, including archaeological investigations and historic property assessments, for this proposed intersection improvement project in a suburban area of Middletown Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.  Preliminary alternatives under consideration for the project include widening existing roadways and construction of new roadway sections, and the project’s preliminary Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes the maximum anticipated area that could be disturbed by any of the these alternatives.  To date, N&W has conducted a Phase IA Archaeological Background Study, including archival research and a visual reconnaissance to identify portions of the APE with potential to contain prehistoric and historic archaeological sites.  N&W has also assessed the National Register eligibility of 39 historic properties, two of which were found eligible for listing.  Further archaeological fieldwork and historic property assessments are pending a new iteration of preliminary design.