N&W provided the winning bid for this PennDOT Engineering District 6, S.R. 0422, Section M1B Roadway, Pleasantview and Park Bridges, design project in June of 2017. This was our first successful bid in this District. The project included forty‐six (46) roadway and structure borings, twenty (20) test pits and three (3) pavement cores. The total drilling footage was 973 feet and consisted of 428.9 feet of continuous SPT sampling, 20.8 feet of unsampled footage and 523.3 feet of rock coring. Most of the borings required maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT) to provide safety for the drill crew and drilling was restricted to non‐peak hours since the ADT for SR 0422 in this area is over 45,000 vehicles per day. N&W self‐performed the MPT with no incidents or traffic back‐ups. N&W mobilized our track‐mounted Acker Scout rig
to the borings located on some steep slopes and our truck‐mounted Acker AD‐II rig to drill the remaining borings. The test pits were performed at the same time as the borings to reduce the duration of the MPT impacts to the travelling public.
N&W completed the drilling and grouting for this project in 21 days – including 24‐hour groundwater readings at all the borings. The subsurface materials encountered in the borings varied from sandy gravel to sandy silt along with cobbles and boulders. The sedimentary bedrock encountered was mainly siltstone with a minimal amount of sandstone interbedding.