St. Catherine Laboure Church & School

St. Catherine Laboure Church & School

Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. prepared construction documents for the following safety improvement projects:  widen existing sidewalks and install a crosswalk on Derry Street to provide safe passage for students, parents and faculty along and across Derry Street, provide sufficient street lighting on Derry Street for evening events, re-grade and re-engineer the 40th Street bus entrance and adjacent sidewalks for handicap accessibility.  Navarro & Wright also designed the installation of sidewalks and a crosswalk extending from the school to the Saint Catherine Recreation Area on 40th Street.  In addition, Navarro & Wright assisted in the preparation of the Safe Routes-to-School grant application and attended presentation meetings with Dauphin County Planning Commission and PENNDOT.   Navarro & Wright also provided construction inspection services for the improvements.