Municipal Engineering Projects
Elizabethville Borough Paving Project
Having served as the Borough Engineer since 2003, Jack Raudenbush and the Navarro and Wright team has assisted the Borough Council and maintenance personnel in developing various roadway and drainage repair and maintenance projects. From standard mill and overlay projects, to Full Depth Reclamation, we have assisted in the design and implementation of various cost effective projects to keep this northern Dauphin County Borough roads in the best shape possible. This year’s paving improvement project implemented a two-inch overlay along with...
read moreLykens Township Act 537 Plan Update
This project involved a significant update of this rural, northern Dauphin County Township’s Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan. Lykens Township had not completed an update of their plan since 1973. The Township does not currently have public facilities for wastewater collection or treatment, and does not anticipate significant development in the immediate future that would necessitate the construction of a public wastewater treatment plant. The new plan identifies areas of potential development as well as areas containing failing on-lot systems....
read moreLondonderry Township Municipal Building Renovation
This project involved the complete renovation of the Londonderry Township building to maximize the available space for the many public service groups who use the building. Londonderry Township, host municipality of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, shares space in their municipal building with the Pennsylvania State Police and local emergency management personnel. The renovation included conversion of an existing garage into a public meeting hall and supervisors’ caucus room and the installation of an emergency generator. The...
read moreGap Wastewater Treatment Plant & Collection System
This project involved the design of a 240,000 GPD wastewater treatment facility and collection system. The new plant supplemented an existing 100,000 GPD plant which could not be retrofitted for additional capacity, providing for additional/ future flows. The treatment plant utilizes an activated sludge process, ultraviolet disinfection and sludge storage. The municipal engineer was assisted in the design of approximately 8,000 feet of gravity sewer, including road crossing (bore/jack) details and specifications, connecting the new plant to...
read moreDenton Hill State Park Wastewater Treatment Plant & Collection System
This project involved the design of a 13,000 GPD wastewater treatment plant to replace an out-of-date facility at Denton Hill State Park. Peak flows at the park, which is home to a downhill ski area, occur in the wintertime, so the treatment plant was designed to accommodate extremely low flow conditions during the off season. The package plant included SBR technology and a UV disinfection unit. The following services for the project: Development of treatment process needs. Concept treatment system design. Site design. Permit application for...
read moreRaccoon Creek State Park Water Storage & Distribution Expansion
This project involved the design of a 75,000 gallon elevated water storage tank as part of a large waterline extension project. The project also included a re-chlorination disinfection system and approximately 8,000 feet of 8-inch ductile iron waterline with appropriate air release valves, control valves, and intermediate connection lines. The following services were provided for the project: Water storage tank design. Disinfection system design. Distribution system design.
read moreCapital Improvement Program
Comprehensive municipal services were provided as the Halifax Township Engineer, including the preparation of a Capital Improvement Plan to assist the Township in identifying needed infrastructure improvements and management of the Township’s Liquid Fuels fund. A comprehensive survey was completed of all roads, bridges and drainage facilities in Township; documented apparent shortfalls; developed improvement recommendations; and prepared budgetary information for supervisors. The following services were provided for the project: Inventory of...
read moreElizabethville Borough Road & Drainage Improvements
As the Borough Engineer of Elizabethville, stormwater drainage and roadway improvement needs are addressed on routine assists. The assistance provided leverages the strengths of Borough personnel by providing 8 1/2” x 11” plan sketches and details to allow cost effective construction without extraordinary design fees. Permits were obtained on behalf of the Borough from the Dauphin County Conservation District and the PA Department of Environmental Protection. The following services were provided for these projects: Stormwater management...
read moreElizabethville Borough Park Master Plan
This project involved the development of a master plan for an existing 22-acre park, which featured baseball diamonds, a playground, a municipal pool and picnic pavilions. County and state permits were obtained for the stream relocation required for the new baseball fields. The plan included the following improvements: Two new baseball fields. A new trail network. Replacement of an aged storm drainage system. The following services were provided for the project: Master planning. Civil engineering. Site planning. Erosion and sedimentation...
read moreSouth Hanover Township Municipal Complex
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. (N&W) is the site civil engineer & landscape architect for this new municipal complex based on a building area of 24,000 square feet. The site design includes a new township administration building, new fire/EMS building, athletic fields, associated parking facilities, stormwater management facilities and access drives on a 12 acre site for South Hanover Township. N&W services include land survey, wetland delineation, a Phase I archaeological study, traffic study and PennDOT Highway...
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