Transportation Projects

Traffic & Transportation Projects

Steelton Streetscape

Steelton Streetscape

Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc., surveyed, mapped and designed approximately 6000 lineal feet of existing State and Borough roadways for a beautification project in the Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The site includes roadways, curbs, sidewalks, trees, utilities, traffic signals, 50 businesses and 100 residential properties. The design included the coordination and selection of materials, trees and utilities such as new street lights with underground electrical conduits and wiring extending from existing...

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N&W Designs CAT’s Market Square Makeover

N&W Designs CAT’s Market Square Makeover

N&W recently developed concept plans for Harrisburg’s Capital Area Transit’s Market Square transfer station makeover. To complement recent hardscape work, CAT plans to use a $150,000 grant to make a series of improvements to the downtown transfer station. The design includes a raised pedestrian-friendly intersection, which CAT said would brand the square and slow down traffic that approaches on Second Street. An elevated archway sign that reads “Welcome to The City of Harrisburg,” will greet those approaching the...

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Main Street Connection, City of Johnstown, PA

Main Street Connection, City of Johnstown, PA

The Landscape Architecture Group of Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. (N&W) worked with the City of Johnstown on a Pennsylvania Community Transportation Initiative (PCTI) project involving the realignment of John’s Street with PA Route 56 to better introduce the downtown Central Business District and solve traffic concerns within that area of Route 56. The project focuses on an existing city gateway area that did not serve the city well in introducing the downtown to the high volumes of traffic that utilizes the by-pass...

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Huddle Road Bridge Replacement

Huddle Road Bridge Replacement

N&W was retained by the Windham Township Supervisors, Bradford County, Pa to serve as the Prime Engineering Firm, for a FEMA/ PEMA funded project for the complete replacement of a two-lane single span bridge over Briggs Hollow that was lost during Tropical Storm Lee (FEMA-4030-DR-PA). The emergency repairs were replaced with a precast Concrete Arch Bridge with a span of thirty-two feet (32’), height of twelve and a half feet (12.5’) and width of twenty feet (20’). N&W assisted the township with the coordination and reporting of the...

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Susquehanna River Bridge & Approaches

Susquehanna River Bridge & Approaches

Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. provided primary control for aerial mapping and conducted additional topographic survey to supplement aerial mapping, which included location of utilities, bridge underpasses, road cross-sections, and other salient features. Navarro & Wright was also responsible for location of rights-of-way and boundary surveys for right-of-way takings. This Project included coordination of lane closures for traffic control and utility mapping and coordination for numerous utilities and structures. The...

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Prospect Road Bridge over Rt. 30

Prospect Road Bridge over Rt. 30

Prospect Road Bridge is located over US Route 30 in West Hempfield Township, Lancaster County.  Navarro & Wright coordinated the design of the Rehabilitation of the bridge superstructure and provided the design of the Temporary Traffic Control Plan in accordance with PennDOT and Federal standards. Navarro & Wright worked closely with the General Contractor, Lobar Site Development Corporation and PennDOT District 8-0 to assure that the project proceeded smoothly.  The project was delivered as a Design-Build and was completed ahead of...

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Orrstown Road Bridge (SR 0433)

Orrstown Road Bridge (SR 0433)

Navarro & Wright worked extremely close with the prime consultant and PennDOT District 8-0 for this $1.06 million bridge replacement project in Southampton Township. N&W also performed services related to this work order on SR 0533 (Tan Yard Road) for a bridge replacement in Southampton/Lurgan Townships. N&W services included coordination of constructability review, public involvement, value engineering, wetland studies, hazardous and residual wastes, threatened and endangered species, early coordination, archaeology, Level 1b...

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S.R. 0352/US1 Intersection Improvements

S.R. 0352/US1 Intersection Improvements

Navarro and Wright  is furnishing a full portfolio of cultural resource services, including archaeological investigations and historic property assessments, for this proposed intersection improvement project in a suburban area of Middletown Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.  Preliminary alternatives under consideration for the project include widening existing roadways and construction of new roadway sections, and the project’s preliminary Area of Potential Effect (APE) includes the maximum anticipated area that could be disturbed by...

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S.R. 0022 Widening & Reconstruction

S.R. 0022 Widening & Reconstruction

This project includes the preliminary engineering and environmental studies for the reconstruction/widening of U.S. Traffic Route 22 in Lehigh County. The improvements involve the widening of the roadway to six or eight lanes, replacement of the structures over Mickey Road, Jordan Creek, Lehigh River and Dauphin Street, replacement of the overpasses carrying McArthur Road, Fifth Street and Fullerton Avenue, reconstruction of the McArthur Avenue and Fullerton Avenue interchanges along with associates sign structures and safety appurtenances....

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Markley Street Reconstruction Project

Markley Street Reconstruction Project

The Markley Street Reconstruction project involves preliminary engineering and final design improvements along 2 ½ miles of roadway in an urban environment in the Borough of Norristown, Montgomery County, PA.  Three bridges will be replaced.  Upgrades to Markley Street include: roadway rehabilitation, widening, intersection improvements, parking, and pedestrian access improvements to meet ADA requirements. The project showcases the depth of our site characterization services which include a Lead-based paint investigation of 1 bridge, an...

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